Sunday, September 1, 2013

I'd Rather Be Reading!!!

Hello fellow Young Adult readers!!!  This blog is for lovers of Young Adult literature.  My name is Jennifer Cornelius and I love to read YA!!!  Although I mostly read fiction, I have found in the last few years that I do enjoy reading narrative nonfiction and a little nonfiction.  So, let's talk books, share what we are reading, and do some book reviews.  Each posting I will share what I'm reading, do a book review, and pose a question.  Hopefully this will help us find the next great book that we will each read.

Right now I'm currently reading Grief Girl: My True Story by Erin Vincent and  listening to Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson.  I have not had much time to listen lately, so although I'm really enjoying Girl of Fire and Thorns, it is taking me quite awhile to get it finished.  

Book Review

Beyond Courage: The Untold Story of Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust  by Doreen Rappaport

Publisher: Candlewick Press
Date: September 11, 2012
Historical Nonfiction -- Juvenile
Booklist Editor's Choice
Lexile Reading: 1030L

     As a U.S. History teacher I was very excited to read this book.  Many students are under the false impression that all Jewish people, "went like lambs to slaughter."  Beyond Courage is broken down into five different parts: The Realization, Saving The Future, In the Ghettos, In the Camps, and Partisan Warfare.  This nonfiction resource provides the reader with various examples of how the Jewish people resisted the genocide that was attempted by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party during the World War II time period.  From continuing to practice their religion after it was banned to actively fighting back and killing their oppressors, many Jewish people resisted in one way or another.  The resistance that most touched my heart was the number of Jewish parents who gave up their children to try and save their lives.  Those children who could pass as Christian were given false documents, a new name, and a new family.  Other children were hidden in safer areas.  As a parent of three children, I know this would be a horrifying, yet very brave decision to make.
     In order to ensure that young people get a more clear understanding there is a timeline of important events, an index, a pronunciation guide, source notes, and maps and pictures throughout the text.  This would make a great addition to any Holocaust or World War II collection.  It looks at the resistance of the Jewish people from a variety of countries during World War II.  It is important that students get a more clear understanding that the Jewish people in many countries were impacted by Hitler and the Nazi Party.  This topic is studied in various classes at the high school level, including tenth grade English, U.S. History, and World History.  Therefore, many classes and students would benefit from this resource.
     Beyond Courage is one of the potential books for the Eliot Rosewater High School Book Award List for the 2014-2015 school year.  Although I probably would not have read this book if it had not been on my assigned list, I am very glad that I read it.  I also plan on advocating for this to make the list.  This is the first time that I have felt passionate about an explanatory nonfiction book, which I'm still very surprised about!!
     Availability: Beyond Courage is available from Amazon.  
                                                                           Barnes and Noble
                                                                            Audible  (requires a membership)

Where is Your Favorite Place to Read?

     I love to sit on my front porch and read.  It's always best to head out there in the morning or later in the evening during the hot summer months.  In the spring and fall I will head out there as long as I can sit comfortably in a sweatshirt.  I remember one year I had the flu bug for a few days and actually spent the last two days I was at home recovering lying on my swing with a blanket and pillow.  I had been cooped up in the house for too long at that point, and just wanted to be outside.  

Happy Reading :)



  1. You have an excellent start. Keep it up!

  2. Hi Jennifer! The porch is my favorite place to read too. :)

    After I read The Diary of Anne Frank in middle school, I read a few nonfiction books about the Holocaust. I'm sure I would have eagerly read Beyond Courage if it had been out back then. Your review makes me very interested in reading it now, so hopefully I will be able to find the time. I do hope that it makes it onto the Rosie list. I don't have too many students that voluntarily read extended works of nonfiction, but I think that this is a high-interest topic for many students, so hopefully the book will be well-received by teens. Thanks for sharing your review!
